Saturday, May 31, 2008


The fear of pain has driven today's society to extreme measures, from the sudden increase of pregnant women ultimately deciding to go thru C-section rather than the natural method, pills with a gilded sweet layer as if the bitterness could be eliminated, and politicians beating around the bush when dealing with topics such as global warming and the war abroad. Probably the biggest painstaking issue is the one that hits closest to home. Everyday, the people you surround yourself with speak only half the truth, filtering the information that might be deemed "too harsh" before they feed you the leftovers. When did people become too sensitive and soft to be able to take the truth for what it is? Does giving half the story account for still being honest? Sugar coated pills may taste good on the exterior but that layer soon flakes off revealing the potent chemicals beneath. Either way, one must douse the pill and swallow thru the pain.

There is a time when fairytales no longer do the job , when only rainbows and butterflies are spewed out and the gory, cut throat reality is omitted. Maybe at a younger age, it is best to leave certain sections out, to preserve their innocence and purity and that what you don't know can't ever hurt you. But that was then and people change. We all age and mature, hopefully learning from our past deeds and maturing as we move along. But sadly, we are still treated as children. It is not like we haven't been exposed to diseases like cancer and AIDs and deaths before. As if its any surprise, news is constantly aired on television. Let me make my own decisions. Tell it like it is. I do not need any more of this wimpy made-up story so that I can feel better about myself. When did the truth become so taboo in our society? Does slipping a little white lie consult to a person feeling truly better about themselves? Maybe for a while, but the truth always comes out and when it does, it only strikes harder than before. Artificial sweeteners like Splenda do more harm than any benefit. They might make the taste better but in reality, denigrates. Bittersweet

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