Monday, May 19, 2008


Every house has its door, connecting that of the inside to the world on the outside. In some places, even before one is allowed to encounter the door, they must first face the fence, the gate, that guards the property, offers safety and protects the privacy of an individual. Every house has a door, the medium between the mind and reality. Some doors are composed of fine wood, others metal or glass, and even some of unknown substance only identifiable by the house's owner himself. What are doors for? To keep those on the outside out and those inside to remain in. A door contains a lock, only to be open with the turn of a key, the right key that fits into the compartment and allows one to enter into within. Some places even offer doormats, to bring a sense of greeting, a welcoming to guests that leave, remove parts of who they are at the door in order to get to know one a little more personally.

Usually, juxtaposed to the door is the doorbell, a neat electronic mechanism that sounds, causing a technical tune to be emitted from within, letting one inside know of the guests waiting patiently on the other side. But if the doorbell was to be broken, they always have the solution of knocking on the door, clenching their hands and tapping on the door in a rhythmic fashion, until one is informed and rushes to the door, unlocking the hatch to guide those inside. But for those at the door that never realize the doorbell malfunctioned, they continue pressing on it, foolishly hoping that the one inside will realize and notice them waiting patiently. Those with a lack of, will give up, walk away from the door, never turning back.

For houses without doors, a house is still a house;a haven, a place of comfortability, seclusion, independence, privacy, an attachment. Even without a boundary structure to hold unwanted guests to enter, trespassers always break through, disturbing the peace one has created, the structure one has designed. The doorbell is no longer necessary without a door, the invisible portal can no longer regulate who stays in and who stays out. But those that have been welcomed in before unlike strangers that walk in and out of the homes, respect one's and choose to wait on the other side, until the one inside realizes that all this time, they have never left their side. On the other hand, maybe the doorbell is useless, the ring is just of a nuisance, an unnecessary gadget that can be omitted. Maybe, the door was never locked in the first place, just took for one to acknowledge. Nonetheless, a doorbell is useless without the unfastening of the lock.

1 comment:

P Yang said...

i like how i understood that :)