Saturday, September 26, 2009


The first week at a community college overcrowded with foreign international students who cram all possible course selection mixed in with my newly acquired job comes out to be the perfect ingredients to a recipe of disaster. Not only did I find myself frantically speeding down 280 back and forth btwn Foothill and DeAnza in any means of attaining a class with a sympathetic-enough professor who would grant me the add code, but showing up at work to face Shefaali, my middle-aged Indian manager who could only be summed up as one of the most sordid, money-swindling people you will meet. Though this might be somewhat of a fabrication, my detest of her could possibly stem from having to hear her utter any order or direction in her heavy accent equivalent to sitting through a Bollywood film festival or Slumdog Millionaire on repeat.

The lady who gave me my flu shot was named Vera FAGOT
The skater sitting to my right in Calc released a strong weed stench
Apparently, De Anza and Foothill maybe sister colleges
but do not share the same placement tests
The effects of global warming has resulted in Cupertino overheating
I watched Jennifer's Body and tried noticing Megan Fox's thumb

GG (yes, it's decently amusing and I can relate to Blair)
90210 (tho Annie's makeup artist must be out sick with the swine flu or something)
Glee (hopefully, their musical numbers will be of better song choices)
ANTM (team korean beauty suffering tosis in her left eye)
The Office (can anyone say it's not written well?)
Modern Family (i laugh a lot)
Desperate Housewives (Mike picks Susan, it's a guarantee)
Survivor (he got the hidden immunity idol already...)
Amazing Race (always a winner)
Community (just cuz i love anything with ken jeong)


jezie said...


Dami said...

hahahah the bollywood film festival part is GOLD

Hi. I'm Allie. said...


Anonymous said...

TV Watch List (pathetic, I know, but not much time to watch):

TOP CHEF: I need more excitement

SURVIVOR: Russel is possibly the worst human being on earth and he is so tv worthy for even finding that damn idol that I think he may be a hired actor...

GLEE: Kristin Chenoweth is my hero. Need I say more?

Do you see how my television shows are all lacking from the list? I found a friend. I mean I made a friend who is just as tv-obsessed as I which is exciting. She is Kristie's suitemate.

Anyway. I met some international kids who transferred from Foothill and De Anza. They are cool because they have a car and I need someone to transport me to places with real pearl milk tea (or as BOBA as they call it here).

i need to fulfill my innerasian.