Sunday, July 13, 2008


i just shamefully spent a decent hour reading thru people's blogs, xangas, etc. and i must say i almost feel compelled to fill my own blog with everything personal imaginable. i usually don't feel compelled to do anything. i don't feel compelled to do my homework even tho the deadline is sooner than i let my mind rest on and i don't feel compelled to make my mom happy by folding my clothes while spending decent amount of time zoning out to the background noise of whatever i set my channel to. but i almost feel compelled to write in my blog to say the least. i feel compelled to study for SATs so i won't screw up the rest of my highschool life. remember when jojo had that song, too little too late. i remembered i hated it. it was such a typical song that you would hear on AM 131o, thats disney channel radio btw, dont ask why i still keep it stored in my memory. but recently i keep saying that phrase, too little too late and so i went online and checked out the lyrics and tho they may be talking about a relationship standpoint, one that i have not been fortunate enough to be involved in, the meaning is still impactful. btw i use that word a lot,impactful and i dont know why.
oh yeah back to my point, i do feel that a lot of times in my life, it really is too little too late. i want to get good SAT scores, do well academically, be stronger in my walk with God, but for what? sometimes it really is for image. im not that conceited as you guys may think, but i guess everyone has to care about their appeal sometimes right? i do my fair share of looking in the mirror but not narcissistic. why do i try still to get into a college with substantial recognition? ppl dont understand how my grades dont even qualify for like deanza. jaykay i exaggerated. deanza has seriously 100% acceptance rate. i hope i didnt enlarge that fact. my computer dc's a lot
but im very thankful for wireless. thnx john. that was indeed a shoutout.
okay its time to make some ground rules of the year that is approaching.
one, be nice. simply said. or show ppl that i am actually nice, better stated
two, try in school. not try HARDER in school, just try. i dont try. i dont know why. today my mum told me that i dont try because im not motivated in life. it kinda struck me and i must say mother knows best. ill try, i promise and i am not one that likes to break oaths, especially to myself cuz that would be lame.
whats three, keep friendships. i think i lost a lot this year. its not good to use the word lot cuz lot is so ambiguous. but yeah i think its actually a good thing so scratch it from being number 3 on to do list. yknow what i will EDIT my number three rule, MAINTAIN my friendships with friends. those that matter! hey i just lost interest in blogging. iono sudden change in mind. it was fun. i will come back to this when im in china. oh how i am so stoked for this adventure of 33 days. can you read my excitement for reliving all those wondrous moments of oily food and unsanitary conditions. please remind me more. lets end happy. tomorrow is my last day in america. i hope that i will have fun.
yknow what i realized, i try so hard to come up with catchy titles for my entries but im actually not that cool. nice try


Anonymous said...

hehe i like you

apoonfulofsugar said...

you quote that song like all the time now
hey never too little too late for God okay? man I guess you won't be at CBCSJ much anymore ESPECIALLY WITH ME GONE jk jk but I hope all goes well at HOC5.
mm if you need help w/ college apps give me a holler & I can send you my personal statements too .. if you want to do business for reals definitely apply to NYU Stern although I hear everyone in the business school is basically soulless. 1st semester senior year sucks but you're not far from done!
we're going to be friends forever ok because it says so in your facebook quotes so it's gotta be true. =)
haha & yeah I can't think of titles so I use numbers.
by the way if you check this sometime while in the motherland I figured out I'm not coming back on the 17th at all but 16th 8 pm so I probably won't run into you at the airport, but we'll be flying over the Pacific around the same time or something. have a good trip I miss you already!
oh also you're going to upload your pictures from swimming right? right, because you're in like 3/4 of them.

S.Lee said...

im scared im going to mess up my sat score as well.

last chance, right?

and i didnt even start studying


Anonymous said...

hey bertrand,
my blogspot^

Anonymous said...

ugh i forgot to put down the url.