Thursday, May 15, 2008


eyes are for one to see, to observe to assume and to object, to finalize and conclude, to judge and to pretend. sometimes what you see is not what you get. the long unwinding path you believe leads you to the light you so distantly perceive. your eyes play tricks on your mind, manipulating and diverting the reality into something surreal. and the light up ahead no longer seems any closer to the goal you once placed. how easily do people finalize with their eyes, the verdict of the end. Lets just say that the eyes can be deceiving. and maybe reading this is just another misleading path. good luck figuring that one out. maybe its not even glasses you need, maybe its the naive ignorance. there are always two sides to a paper, two sides to a story, many ways to orally transfer the gist.

those that learn to incorporate both their vision and their knowledge can filter information through their mouths in a dialect that is completely honest and trusted are those that rise to the occasion. words without meaning, speaking without thinking, qualities only dolls retain. and dolls are used for entertainment, to play with, to control, to operate, to disfigure. sooner or later, they will be tossed to the side, cast forever to be replaced by a new toy. thats the harsh reality. one little slip up and you become worthless. the doll hid behind its face, the only face it knew how to make. the mask it adorned. and spoke the few sentences it only knew how to utter. and the doll was passed around, spilling its information around until it became no more. without thought, without processing thru the brain, the eyes can only see and infer, never finalize.

your eyes tell you what you want, but control of the brain you lack. those that believe they are the top experience the hardest falls

1 comment:

Hi. I'm Allie. said...

mr. ebbink would love your writing.
if you were in his class, that is in my class, you would receive A+++++++++++++