Saturday, May 31, 2008


The fear of pain has driven today's society to extreme measures, from the sudden increase of pregnant women ultimately deciding to go thru C-section rather than the natural method, pills with a gilded sweet layer as if the bitterness could be eliminated, and politicians beating around the bush when dealing with topics such as global warming and the war abroad. Probably the biggest painstaking issue is the one that hits closest to home. Everyday, the people you surround yourself with speak only half the truth, filtering the information that might be deemed "too harsh" before they feed you the leftovers. When did people become too sensitive and soft to be able to take the truth for what it is? Does giving half the story account for still being honest? Sugar coated pills may taste good on the exterior but that layer soon flakes off revealing the potent chemicals beneath. Either way, one must douse the pill and swallow thru the pain.

There is a time when fairytales no longer do the job , when only rainbows and butterflies are spewed out and the gory, cut throat reality is omitted. Maybe at a younger age, it is best to leave certain sections out, to preserve their innocence and purity and that what you don't know can't ever hurt you. But that was then and people change. We all age and mature, hopefully learning from our past deeds and maturing as we move along. But sadly, we are still treated as children. It is not like we haven't been exposed to diseases like cancer and AIDs and deaths before. As if its any surprise, news is constantly aired on television. Let me make my own decisions. Tell it like it is. I do not need any more of this wimpy made-up story so that I can feel better about myself. When did the truth become so taboo in our society? Does slipping a little white lie consult to a person feeling truly better about themselves? Maybe for a while, but the truth always comes out and when it does, it only strikes harder than before. Artificial sweeteners like Splenda do more harm than any benefit. They might make the taste better but in reality, denigrates. Bittersweet

Monday, May 19, 2008


Every house has its door, connecting that of the inside to the world on the outside. In some places, even before one is allowed to encounter the door, they must first face the fence, the gate, that guards the property, offers safety and protects the privacy of an individual. Every house has a door, the medium between the mind and reality. Some doors are composed of fine wood, others metal or glass, and even some of unknown substance only identifiable by the house's owner himself. What are doors for? To keep those on the outside out and those inside to remain in. A door contains a lock, only to be open with the turn of a key, the right key that fits into the compartment and allows one to enter into within. Some places even offer doormats, to bring a sense of greeting, a welcoming to guests that leave, remove parts of who they are at the door in order to get to know one a little more personally.

Usually, juxtaposed to the door is the doorbell, a neat electronic mechanism that sounds, causing a technical tune to be emitted from within, letting one inside know of the guests waiting patiently on the other side. But if the doorbell was to be broken, they always have the solution of knocking on the door, clenching their hands and tapping on the door in a rhythmic fashion, until one is informed and rushes to the door, unlocking the hatch to guide those inside. But for those at the door that never realize the doorbell malfunctioned, they continue pressing on it, foolishly hoping that the one inside will realize and notice them waiting patiently. Those with a lack of, will give up, walk away from the door, never turning back.

For houses without doors, a house is still a house;a haven, a place of comfortability, seclusion, independence, privacy, an attachment. Even without a boundary structure to hold unwanted guests to enter, trespassers always break through, disturbing the peace one has created, the structure one has designed. The doorbell is no longer necessary without a door, the invisible portal can no longer regulate who stays in and who stays out. But those that have been welcomed in before unlike strangers that walk in and out of the homes, respect one's and choose to wait on the other side, until the one inside realizes that all this time, they have never left their side. On the other hand, maybe the doorbell is useless, the ring is just of a nuisance, an unnecessary gadget that can be omitted. Maybe, the door was never locked in the first place, just took for one to acknowledge. Nonetheless, a doorbell is useless without the unfastening of the lock.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


eyes are for one to see, to observe to assume and to object, to finalize and conclude, to judge and to pretend. sometimes what you see is not what you get. the long unwinding path you believe leads you to the light you so distantly perceive. your eyes play tricks on your mind, manipulating and diverting the reality into something surreal. and the light up ahead no longer seems any closer to the goal you once placed. how easily do people finalize with their eyes, the verdict of the end. Lets just say that the eyes can be deceiving. and maybe reading this is just another misleading path. good luck figuring that one out. maybe its not even glasses you need, maybe its the naive ignorance. there are always two sides to a paper, two sides to a story, many ways to orally transfer the gist.

those that learn to incorporate both their vision and their knowledge can filter information through their mouths in a dialect that is completely honest and trusted are those that rise to the occasion. words without meaning, speaking without thinking, qualities only dolls retain. and dolls are used for entertainment, to play with, to control, to operate, to disfigure. sooner or later, they will be tossed to the side, cast forever to be replaced by a new toy. thats the harsh reality. one little slip up and you become worthless. the doll hid behind its face, the only face it knew how to make. the mask it adorned. and spoke the few sentences it only knew how to utter. and the doll was passed around, spilling its information around until it became no more. without thought, without processing thru the brain, the eyes can only see and infer, never finalize.

your eyes tell you what you want, but control of the brain you lack. those that believe they are the top experience the hardest falls

Monday, May 12, 2008


i watch tv, i vie for the drama and the scandals. thats what makes things entertaining . but only when its not me. i try to evade it from my own personal life. but lately, life has become the best prime time soap opera there is. just like the actors on screen, everyone plays their part so well. we have the damsel in distress, the cute naive chracter that everyone adores and cares for. but inside she entails her feelings and once who she is becomes who other ppl see, will she still be the sweetheart that everyone loves? no one is ever that simple. its all an act. then we have her friend, who plays the supporting role. but do not be alarmed for this friend plays multiple positions but no matter what, she remains on the sidelines. who cares for the secondaries. oh but wait, maybe it is her time to shine for what we may uncover is her best trait ever, her uncanny ability to lie straight to everyone's faces, the precedent to the start of another storyline. Finally, she has her time to shine, shine with all the lies she can hide behind that aloof, calm, collected composure. and when everything unravels, will she still be as stoic as she plays? we will just have to wait and see now do we.

next in line is the hero, the one everyone can relate to, the one that when danger surfaces, whisks off to save the day. though he may seem like a caretaker, a provider, maybe he is not all that charitable, maybe it is more directed at trying to gain the approval of the girl he has his eyes on. and when that girl gives him the smallest ounce of gratitude, the rest of the world becomes nothing more to him as his mind narrows down to only her. how sweet, how kind. every superhero has his weakness. what is his? that would just spoil the whole plot. the hero's faithful companion is every man's best friend, his dog. this dog is always expected to follow his nose, find the buried treasure, the hidden evidence, anything that would be exciting or entertaining. its not really him whos dragging the hero along, its the owner that has the leash on the dog. the dog may walk off but the leash places limits, barriers. and one day loyalty wont be so important to this dog anymore, breaking from his identity, or rather the role that everyone believes suits him best. dogs are always inferior to humans, always positioned as pets, having guardians. and one day that collar will just be too tight, strangling the dog and leaving him to be or maybe the leash will tear, releasing the dog to go who he so oughts to go, wandering wherever he so wants to. but that is not his want to be a stray, an abandoned puppy-eyed dog. He wants to return home, to comfortability but for what reasons? to be kicked around and forgotten again? better than nothing right. neglect is always better than feigned sympathy.

the sweetheart's competition, the pageant queen has it all or rather she believes she shines the brightest in comparison to those around her. she waves her hand with that plastic smile fixated on her face, her eyes surfacing the world, without any hint of feeling or meaning. her cold distant persona can turn warm and friendly but her busy schedule forces her to set her priorities. maybe her pageantry answers are idealistic but never realistic. maybe she likes to take on the position of peacemaker, conflict settler but that is not her position to be. she should just stay on her pedestal, looking down on those beneath her, wearing the crown she has awarded herself. so you may wonder why does the sweetheart and miss america dislike each other? maybe its not dislike, maybe not hate, but simply a drift. neither have time for the other to understand them, to even get close to. like two puzzle pieces that do not fit. last but not least are our favorites, the two carefree, laid back goofs that provide the humor for this show. they make the dumbest decisions in the world usually ending up in bad consequences and punishments later on. it may be all fun and games, but what is their motive behind the crap that they do? who knows. maybe its to let ppl know that they are hxc. they are the shit. the real deal. simply badass. just that they are the only ones that believe so. everyone just view them as losers, posers, wannabes. wait till they find out the truth.

sounds pretty entertaining to me. i guarantee you will not want to miss a second of this new hit drama. but do not say i did not warn you if you want to get involved. the crap they come up with on this show may seem so farfetched and surreal but it hits closer to home than you would expect. it might even be more truthful than reality tv. or maybe one day, you will learn to take the remote and switch the channel cancelling the show all together. now wouldn't that be something.