Monday, January 26, 2009


Lately, I feel really bitter. I think I grasp reality too well and I get ticked off when others around me seem so optimistic and airy. Today I was really bored. I want something new in my life. Yesterday, the speaker at my church's youth group mentioned on how negative change was. I believe otherwise. Why don't I trust my own abilities and just learn to think independently without others' feedback? I mean, I myself give plenty of opinions yet I live on assurance from my peers. It's not ideal. Snow retreat is coming up. I'm almost scared to see the day coming. Not entirely in a bad sense but just that certain scenarios will happen that I won't be too keen of. If you have not noticed, I like things going my way and if they don't go as planned, I get pretty pissed off. So conclusively, I think I'm telling myself I need to learn to be alone. Or just try finding a new venue to feed my angst, also known as a job.

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