its stupid because i mean sometimes we dont really care if we cheat anymore. the grade is more important to us than our integrity. we have no dignity for how shameful we look and its because we are so clever in to not getting caught. and sitting here, i still feel like a hypocrite because no matter what, if a person comes to me and tells me that they have the prompt, or the answers to a test, i would ask for them to give it to me. because i honestly think i go to school to get a grade, not to learn. seriously do i remember all the math i learned or the civil war after this year? i hope not as well because thats not useful. sometimes i get sad when i compare myself to ppl because im not that book nerdy but then when i think about it, i thank God for giving something so much more useful in the future. being streets smart pays off. some ppl are so good at studying and get such good grades but outside of school, they are dumb as a rock. its because they cant think without a textbook guiding them. they arent smart enough to maneuver around situations to benefit them. its okay. i think im having a good day. ill think ill find the right path
PART2: if you want to judge me, its all right. you can label anyone anything, but at the end of the day, its what the person sees in themselves. i dont see myself as a cheater because i didnt do anything wrong. if it was so unfair, why did you not take the opportunity before to look it up yourself. online, and you doesnt mean you, its means everyone that is mad at the situation. the thing is you can unleash your frustration and blame it on me but the thing is, the internet is not closed to any specific person. for the teacher to say that she got it from online, its basically a ticket to searching it yourself. opportunities will come to you. its whether you take the chance or not. and by chance, did we know exactly that this prompt was correct. its everything the internet says truthful? if so then, go use wikipedia for resources. and all this complaining only leads to what, you cant change the past. complain to me forever but the task has changed. and if you want to say i lack in integrity, its for you to say but integrity is personal. opinions count but yours outrules anyone elses. if a person tells you that the gas station on the corner of that street is cheap, and you dont go there to pump gas, whose fault is it at the end of the day. if you want to blame someone, look at yourself first. if a person doesnt take the opportunity, its not another persons fault. there is an open path that you can see the exit, but if you stray away from it, you cant blame others for taking the path themselves.
i didnt read your blog
it was sort of long
but i did look at the picture
and it was some lovely toes!
dude, make your font bigger. Some of us dont have magnified vision! >:0
i read your other blogs
yeah i can relate too!
hi bertrand.
yes i do like blogging
sushi art is rice, seaweed and stencil holepunchers
hi bertrand
your blogs make me sad
i like them
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